Your web browser has tried to access an Internet website that is used for distribution of child abuse material.

Distribution is punishable according to Swedish legislation. The Penal Code, chapter 16, ยง10a.

In case you have any objections against the blocking of this Internet website, do not hesitate to contact the Child Protection Team at the Swedish National Operations Department on

If you are the domain owner and wish to make a complaint about blocked online content issues, please read information provided here

For further information visit

Please report sexual abuse against children to the Swedish National Cybercrimecentre.

The Swedish Police and the Internet Service Providers working together against the abuse of children on the Internet.

PrevenTell is a national helpline for those who feel they have lost control of their sexual behavior, who are perhaps worried about their thoughts and actions, or who are afraid they might hurt themselves or someone else.

With PrevenTell, you will have a chance to speak anonymously with someone who has a great deal of professional experience with questions like these. Someone who can give you advice and then help you get further treatment if this is something you need.

Behind PrevenTell is ANOVA , Karolinska University Hospital.

For more information go to or call 020- 66 77 88